Imbue Network Launches Special Rewards Quests in Collaboration with PolkaPals

As part of the Polkapals movement, Imbue Network launched a new set of special rewards quests in collaboration with PolkaPals. The quests are designed to increase awareness of Imbue Network, get feedback on its DApp, and reward users for participating.
Use the following link to participate in the quests:
To complete the quests, users must:
- Follow the Imbue Network Twitter account. [Twitter link]
- Join the Imbue Network Discord channel. [Discord link]
- Join the Imbue Network Telegram channel. [Telegram link]
- Submit their imbue wallet address to receive free Imbu tokens (which are needed to use the testnet).
- Submit a brief as a client on the Imbue Network testnet. [link to the test net]
- Create a freelancer profile on the Imbue Network testnet and apply to the brief they submitted. [link to freelancer page]
- Pay themselves using Imbu test tokens.[Hire a freelancer as client]
- Get payment by starting work. [Complete work as freelancer]
- Repost Champaign post & tag 3 friends. [Tweet post]
- Tweet about using the Imbue Network freelancing test-net platform. [tag your 3 friends, and imbue network. use hashtags: #MakeWEb3WorkForYou #ImbueWeb3]
- Link your KSM wallet to receive the rewards
- Claim their reward of 100 $Imbu tokens.
The rewards for completing the quests are 500 $IMBU, which can be used on the Imbue Network.
In addition to the quests, Imbue Network is also giving away additional prizes to lucky winners. To be eligible, users must complete the quests and engage with polkapals activities.